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Help for antisocial behaviour (ASB)

Victim Support West Yorkshire offers help and support for those affected by antisocial behaviour. Find out more below.

Our ASB champion works with partner agencies in the Wakefield district. Their aim is to give the best possible service to high-risk victims of non-crime and antisocial behaviour.

They offer tailored support to meet needs of high risk, vulnerable and repeat victims.

They also champion victim and witness concerns in the delivery of ASB services. They provide a channel for residents to complain if effective action hasn’t been taken by local agencies through existing channels.

Find out more at Antisocial behaviour – Wakefield Council.

If you’ve reported three separate incidents of antisocial behaviour in the past six months to the council, police or social landlord and feel the matter is still ongoing, you can request a community trigger.

The aim is to give victims and communities the right to request a review of their case. It brings agencies together to take a joined up, problem solving approach to find a solution.

Find out more at Community Trigger.

Immediate Justice (IJ) is an opportunity for offenders to repay victims and the community for their behaviour. It is also a chance for them to understand how their actions can impact others, and help offenders move away from further offending and not get involved in the Criminal Justice System in the future.

There are two different conditions that can be imposed as part of Immediate Justice, and offenders may get one condition or both:

  • Unpaid Work (UPW) – depending on the disposal issued by West Yorkshire Police, you will need to attend either 1 day (7 hours) or 2 days (14 hours) UPW.
  • Anti-Social Behaviour Course (ASB Course) – offenders will be required to attend a 2 hour course which will look at ASB and the impact it has on victims, communities and themselves.

The Immediate Justice Pilot Project has 2 Victim Support Caseworkers whose purpose is to provide specialist help and services, to support victims and help them cope and recover until they feel they are back on track with their life.

We work with them in a way that makes sure their needs are met and to ensure their voice is heard throughout their support and beyond.

In addition to this, we work in partnership with Restorative Solutions to provide ASB Awareness Courses to offenders who meet criteria and are referred accordingly. The idea of these courses is to educate offenders and largely focus on:

  • What is ASB?
  • How does their offence fit within ASB?
  • What is the impact ASB has on victims, communities and themselves?

Throughout the session, there are various slides to prompt thoughts and discussions between the facilitators and offenders.

Groups can vary in size but are to be no more than 10.

It’s important for the offenders to recognize how their behaviour fits within the ASB umbrella and Victim Support contributes in a way to show how victims are affected.

At present we don’t have specialist ASB teams in the following areas, but you can still get support from us. Find out more below.

If you’ve been affected by crime in West Yorkshire, call us on 0300 303 1971.

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