Children and young people (CYP)

In North Wales we offer direct support to anyone over the age of 13. Anyone 12 or under can still be supported through their parent or guardian.

We can directly support young people aged 13+ with:

  • Your safety and safety planning
  • Your rights as a child
  • Your wellbeing, we make sure you feel listened to and understood
  • Looking at different ways of coping
  • Making sure you have support networks around

We are able to support children aged 12 and under through the parent or guardian with:

  • Information and support on accessing other relevant support agencies
  • Interventions to open up communication with their child
  • Interventions they can make to support their child
  • Security alarms and other equipment to improve a child’s sense of safety
  • Support in accessing other commissioned services eg counselling.

The indirect service must always be with the parents, carers or professionals. The work focuses on supporting and upskilling the parent or professional to help the child.

This child or young person may be present during discussions with parents as appropriate.

Download our CYP poster.

Teen looking in mirror

Get help now

If you’ve been affected by crime in North Wales, call us on 0300 303 0159.

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