Modern Slavery Statement

For the year ended 31 March 2024

Introduction to Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity dedicated to supporting people affected by crime and traumatic events in England and Wales. We provide specialist services to help people cope and recover and to empower them to ensure their voices are heard individually and collectively at a local and national level.

Our services help people affected by all types of crime and we provide free confidential support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people affected by crime and traumatic events — regardless of whether they have reported the crime to the police or when it occurred and for as long as it is needed.

Victim Support’s charitable activities include supporting the victims of modern slavery and human trafficking under contracts let by Police and Crime Commissioners and Local Authorities in England and Wales.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It constitutes Victim Support’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 March 2024. It covers the activities of Victim Support and its wholly-owned subsidiary Victims Support Limited

Structure and supply chain

Victim Support has over 1,200 employees and more than 400 volunteers all based in England and Wales. Our employees are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK. We conduct thorough background checks on all employees and volunteers, including right to work checks, to ensure that no one engaged by our organisation is involved in modern slavery or human trafficking.

We have a strong focus on ensuring there are policies and procedures in place for our contractors and service providers with regards to modern slavery. The charity uses a wide range of suppliers who supply goods and services that support the operations of the charity. The charity recognises the importance of its role in implementing the guidance of the Modern Slavery Act and the consequences of its implications.

Policies on modern slavery

Policies and procedures are in place aiming to minimise the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain. Specifically, a safeguarding policy that includes guidance on recognising potential signs of modern slavery; a procurement policy that sets out requirements for buying goods and services and due diligence required on suppliers; and a whistleblowing policy and procedure that encourages employees and volunteers to report any concerns.

The safeguarding policy includes detailed guidance on identifying those who may be showing signs that they are affected by modern slavery, including:

  • Showing signs of injury, abuse and malnourishment.
  • They look unkempt, are often in the same clothing and have poor hygiene.
  • Appearing to be under the control and influence of others.
  • Living in cramped, dirty, overcrowded accommodation.
  • They have no access or control of their passport or identity documents.
  • Appearing scared, avoiding eye contact, and being untrusting.
  • They may allow others to speak for them when addressed directly, rather than speak for themselves.
  • They’re collected very early and/or returned late at night on a regular basis.
  • May have inappropriate clothing for the work they are performing, and/or a lack of safety equipment.
  • May be isolated from the local community and their family.
  • They travel only with other workers

The safeguarding policy also details the actions required to safeguard such individuals, including escalation to relevant authorities.

The procurement policy includes a specific section on ensuring the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain is minimised. The procurement policy is used to draw the attention of the charity’s employees and volunteers to the risks relating to modern slavery and child and forced labour, ensuring that they have access to the necessary information.

Victim Support regularly monitors other UK Government public bodies and relevant professional institutes for latest best practice guidance in terms of eradicating modern slavery. We strive to ensure that these ideas and innovations where appropriate, are adopted quickly, whenever considered applicable to Victim Support and its supply chains.

Due diligence processes

Due diligence is carried out on significant suppliers where there may be a modern slavery risk. This includes a requirement for up-to-date independent evidence (for example up-to-date audited accounts) of the level of turnover/income of applicable suppliers and where their level of turnover/income is above £36m a review of their latest modern slavery statement is performed. Suppliers operating in sectors where there is a greater risk of modern slavery are subject to review even if their turnover is below the limit at which a modern slavery statement is required.

Risk assessment

We risk assess whether there are any parts of our business and supply chains where there is a risk of slavery and human trafficking taking place. We assess our key suppliers for modern slavery risks by evaluating their modern slavery statements and engaging in dialogue with them to ensure alignment with our ethical standards. Our assessment, taking account of the nature of our business and sources of supply, is that the risk is low.

Measuring effectiveness

Our Senior Leadership Team considers the effectiveness of our measures for ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chains and reports to the Board of Trustees of Victim Support accordingly.

Modern Slavery monitoring and vigilance is an agenda item at all relevant contract management review meetings. This in turn, allows for formal reporting of any issues or concerns, to senior management of our organisation.

Training for employees and volunteers

We provide ongoing advice and guidance to those in Victim Support who have safeguarding and procurement responsibilities. We provide eLearning on modern slavery and a test to enable assessment of understanding. Our teams are asked to look for signs of modern slavery (as noted in our safeguarding policy) when speaking to or meeting victims referred into our services or when a supplier’s employees attend our premises. In order to help ensure focus on this important topic is retained, we have put in place steps to ensure that Modern Slavery is a regular, mandated topic at relevant formal supplier engagement meetings and our Finance Audit and Risk Committee will be regularly reviewing our monitoring of modern slavery.


This statement has been approved by the Board of Trustees of Victim Support.

Andrew Tivey

Chair of Board of Trustees, Victim Support